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Return of the Write Stuff #MMRWA #WriteIn #WIP » Jolana Malkston
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Jul 272016

Our Mid-Michigan Romance Writers of America chapter sponsored another weekend Write-In July 22-24, 2016. We chose a different venue this time.  A dozen of our members congregated at the Hankerd Inn in Pleasant Lake, Michigan, to write our hearts out alongside other writers all weekend long.

Hankerd Inn

Our group took over The Barn at The Hankerd, a three story, all inclusive facility. It contained a work area on the first level, a kitchen, living room, dining room, and bedrooms on the second level, and bedrooms on the third. Since I’m still recuperating from hip replacement, I truly appreciated The Barn’s two handicap accessible bedrooms and shared handicap accessible bathroom on the second floor because I’m not one hundred percent recovered yet and still walking with the assistance of a cane.

The Barn

Speaking of assistance, mere words cannot express how very much I appreciated how my sister scribes looked after me all weekend. They were so incredibly thoughtful. They unloaded and loaded my car. They took turns carrying my suitcase and computer case up and down stairs. They offered to help me carry my plates at the buffet. They shadowed me up and down the stairs and outdoors to make certain I didn’t trip and fall. They never failed to ask how I was doing, bless them all. I feel so fortunate to have them in my life.

The Kitchen

In The Barn’s kitchen, we set out the snacks, beverages, and adult beverages that we brought from home. Delicious hot buffet meals were provided for us in the Hankerd’s main building. Owner Jan even entertained us one morning with a performance by her little dog Sofia who danced for us in her little pink tutu. Adorable!

Jan & Bella

As we did at our previous Write-In, each of us set one or more goals for the weekend, and just about every one of us met her goal. I met mine–revising as many chapters in, and cutting as many pages from, the current draft of my manuscript as possible. I did even more than I thought I would. Yay, me!

There isn’t much that works better than getting away from home to concentrate on writing or a writing project sans interruptions and everyday distractions. I accomplished more from Friday afternoon until midday Sunday than I normally would in three weeks at home. Our group has another write-in planned at the end of September. I’ve already signed on.

  4 Responses to “Return of the Write Stuff #MMRWA #WriteIn #WIP”

  1. Wish I could have joined you. Congrats on the accomplishments.

  2. It was truly an awesome venue and a productive weekend!

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