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Jargon » Jolana Malkston
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Baseball Jargon Blues #Sportscasters #Baseball #Jargon

 Serious Whimsy  Comments Off on Baseball Jargon Blues #Sportscasters #Baseball #Jargon
Aug 312016

I never thought I’d need a thesaurus by my side to watch the Detroit Tigers play. The TV sportscasters have a specialized vocabulary made up of jargon all their own, and they appear to be the only ones who understand it. I don’t, that’s for sure.

Take the term “barrel up” for example. It makes no sense. How is it possible to barrel up when there are no barrels anywhere on the ball field? All I see are baseballs, bats, and bases. Someone please point out the barrels. Even Macho Guy, my in-house translator, is out in left field on that one.

Baseball 5 Continue reading »

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