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Jolana Malkston » Jolana Malkston » Page 2
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Nov 182015

You know that “duh” feeling you get when you see a new invention or new product advertised on TV and you ask yourself why didn’t I think of that? You shake your head and think if I had, I’d be rich today.

11-18-15 Blog Post Continue reading »

Nov 112015


Our veterans are very special people. I believe what made them so special was their unwavering love of God and country that created in them the moral fiber, the selflessness, and the courage to willingly lay down their own lives to protect our lives, our liberty, and our American values. The same can be said of members of the military on active duty today. I salute them all, then and now. Continue reading »

Oct 282015

Pet Parenting 2

It has been said that humans are the only creatures on Earth that will take another species into their homes simply for the pleasure of its company. If true, it may be our only redeeming virtue.

Raising a pet carries with it many of the same responsibilities as raising a child–a human child, that is. Continue reading »

Oct 222015

I played hooky this past week. I didn’t write a blog post for Wednesday. In truth, I haven’t written anything for a week.

On Monday, I returned from an out of state funeral, services for a brother-in-law killed in a tragic motorcycle accident during a large family outing a week ago. It was a shock to everyone in the family. He was a good man taken too soon. We all had trouble wrapping our minds around it and accepting the reality of our loss.

It helped to tell stories about our past experiences with him, mostly humorous memories. Both he and I married into Macho Guy’s family and referred to ourselves as “the outlaws” rather than the in-laws. We bonded over a mutual dislike and distaste for mushrooms, a “delicacy” MG’s entire family adored. We also had a running battle of wits, coming up with zingers to top one another. My sister-in-law once ratted him out by telling me that in anticipation of a visit from MG and me, her husband had composed a list of barbs with which to out zing me when I arrived. That zinging came to an abrupt end a week ago. I will miss it, and I will miss him, but I will remember both fondly. Always.

In Loving Memory 1

Sep 302015

Not long ago, I posted about the Mother’s Day gifts of the growing kind that I received in May. [Houseplants Beware] In that post I shamelessly revealed my infamous reputation as a serial plant killer, and that no conscientious person should place a living, healthy plant in my care.

Despite foreknowledge of my herbicidal tendencies, Firstborn and family sent me a “Mom’s Garden” basket containing a variety of indoor plant life. His Little Brother and family sent me two outdoor hanging baskets containing colorful flowering plants. One would think that sons of mine would know better. Continue reading »

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