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Veteran’s Day » Jolana Malkston
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Nov 112015


Our veterans are very special people. I believe what made them so special was their unwavering love of God and country that created in them the moral fiber, the selflessness, and the courage to willingly lay down their own lives to protect our lives, our liberty, and our American values. The same can be said of members of the military on active duty today. I salute them all, then and now. Continue reading »

Nov 112014

Jolana Malkston 4Macho Guy and I drove to the Battleship Alabama Memorial in Mobile, Alabama, several years ago while vacationing in Gulf Shores. In addition to the battleship USS Alabama, the memorial park hosts the oldest WWII-era Gato-class diesel-electric submarine museum in the world, the USS Drum SS-228. Although the sub was still being restored, the public was allowed to tour it. I couldn’t wait to climb aboard. I was going to get a first-hand look at the kind of vessel my dad served on during the war.


11-11-14 ZZ_Resting_Final Continue reading »

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