Spoiler Alert: If you haven’t seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens as yet, and you’re determined to see it, don’t read any further until after you’ve kissed your hard-earned bucks goodbye. If you take my advice, I can save you the price of admission and the cost of all those overpriced concession items. Don’t go to see it. Just rent videos of the original Star Wars Trilogy—still the best of the Star Wars films—and you’ll see just about everything that is in the new ballyhooed Star Wars film in theaters now. It’s merely a clone of the firstest and bestest. Continue reading »
Macho Guy will not be my date this New Year’s Eve. He hasn’t been for quite a while. Ever since he retired, he’s no fun at all on the Eve. He can’t manage to stay awake until the ball in Times Square drops at midnight, so I had to ditch him and look elsewhere.
Just about everyone who knows me is aware that I am all thumbs when it comes to crafts. I can paint a fairly decent picture, and I can take darn good photos, but when it comes to doing the kind of craft that involves dexterity and coordination, I’m not your girl. Continue reading »
Our local chapter of Romance Writers of America® has a combination writing challenge and chapter fund raiser that we call “I Will Write a Book.” Any member entering submits the title of her Work in Progress and five dollars by June 30. The challenge is to then submit the last page of the completed manuscript by November 30. All who finish have their names entered in the drawing for the cash award. The chapter gets one half of the cash entry fees; the drawing winner gets the other. There is nothing like a cash payday to get a writer motivated. Continue reading »
I confess. I marched in a protest once. Several female students and I felt compelled to object to a new admissions policy at Hunter College, one of the oldest colleges established for women only [1870] in the USA. We learned from a very reliable inside source that the administration was changing its admissions policy. The minimum high school grade average for admission was 90% for entering freshmen. Hunter’s administration decided to lower the admission average from 90% to 80% but only for a specific demographic group not particularly bright enough to matriculate at Hunter under standard admissions policy. Continue reading »