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Last Minute Travel » Jolana Malkston
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Feb 072018

As I wrote in my last post, MG and I were going to skip our annual winter trip to Florida, but…

First of all, we got better. We got rid of The Crud.

Second, important appointments MG had schedule for February had to be postponed.

Third, we were free to travel.

It was late Thursday night a week ago, and we were watching The Science Channel. Yes, we are that intellectual.

MG: What do you think about going down to Florida for a few weeks now that we have the time?

ME: When?

MG: Now,

ME: NOW!!!!

MG: Okay, Monday.

ME: [counting on my fingers, panic setting in] That gives me only three days to get ready!

MG: Piece of cake. You can do it.

ME: [jaw drop] Do you remember to whom you are speaking?

MG: Just focus.

ME: Me? Focus?

MG: Yeah, you. Focus and move faster.

ME: Surely you jest. How many years have we been married? You must know by now that focus and faster are not in my lexicon.

MG: So, try harder.

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