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Up All Night, Redux #UpAllNight #HomeAlone » Jolana Malkston
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Jun 172016

Since the incident of the broken hip and two subsequent surgeries, I haven’t been able to go downstairs to our home’s lower level where my office is located. The dining room on the upper level has been my temporary home office for months.

Temporary Office

It is the same dining room that is located in one corner of the upper level at the rear of the house. It is the same dining room that has two glass walls—two wall-size glass panels and a glass sliding door on each wall that open onto a wraparound deck. It is the same dining room that opens onto a wraparound deck, which an axe murderer can creep around and peer in to see solitary and defenseless me seated at the dining room table in my temporary home office writing this blog post just past the witching hour. ::shudder::

Axe Murderer

It’s my own fault that I’m home alone and up all night—and will be again tomorrow night. Macho Guy has been something of a helicopter husband following my injury and surgeries. While the physical and occupational therapists were teaching me to be independent and do as much as possible for myself, MG wanted to do everything for me at first, and he wouldn’t go anywhere or do anything that involved leaving me home alone. He actually persuaded neighbors to babysit me when he had to run errands! What am I, a child? Talk about embarrassing.

Once my condition began to improve, I convinced MG to resume his usual interests and activities—and to leave me home alone without a sitter. I even insisted he go on his annual three-day golf outing up north with his buddies. He deserved time off from taking care of me. He earned time off from taking care of me. Actually, it was more like he desperately needed time off from taking care of me.

“Enjoy yourself,” I said. “Have fun,” I said. “Don’t worry about me; I’ll be fine,” I said.

Home Alone

What was I thinking? The minute MG pulled out of the driveway, I made sure all the doors and windows were locked and then armed the security system. MG’s overnight absences always turn our house into a freaky Addams Family clone complete with eerie creaks and squeaks. It only happens the minute the sun sets and only when MG is not around. I’ll never understand that.

Haunted House 2

On a sad note, this is the first time I haven’t had Dickens the Schnoodle Dog for company with MG away overnight. Dickens crossed over the Rainbow Bridge in April. Somehow, having a home security system isn’t quite as comforting as cuddling my lovable little fur baby. I miss him more than ever.

So, here I am home alone in the middle of the night, with every indoor and outdoor light turned on, looking over my shoulder every few minutes, too freaked out to go to bed, and shaking like a James Bond martini. Will morning never come?

Courage the Dog - Home Alone

  13 Responses to “Up All Night, Redux #UpAllNight #HomeAlone”

  1. Never live in fear. Don’t let the television, horror books, the news media ANYTHING take away from your trust in the Lord and buy ADT.

  2. When alone, I refuse to watch anything scary. And alone or not, I won’t read horror stories or watch horror movies. I do get a bit spooked when alone and I, too, find having a dog helps keep me calm. At least my Rhodesian Ridgeback kept me calm. This little poodle I have now… Everything scares him. I’m the one who has to keep him calm…but maybe it works that way, too.

  3. Our house morphs into an Addams Family clone too when I’m alone. What is that? Glad you survived all the perils. Thanks for the entertainment.

  4. Dickens would be perfect company, I know. Bet he’s still watching over you from somewhere.

    • I missed Dickens so much. MG’s trips used to be our special time together because I didn’t have to compete with MG for Dickens’ attention. Dogs are just like kids. They only want Mommy when they are sick, hurt, or hungry–or when Daddy isn’t around. 🙁

  5. I don’t blame you for being creeped out. Some years ago when we still lived out in the boonies, Tom took his dad to the Cleveland Clinic for heart surgery and stayed there with him and his mom for two weeks. Both kids were gone by then and it was just me, the cat, and the dog. I was so glad to at least have them, though I doubt they could have been much protection. I came home after dark one night and was terrified going into the house alone. One reason why I don’t mind living in a neighborhood now.

    • It is better to live in a neighborhood. Having people on either side of my property is reassuring, but late at night when I’m alone nothing makes me feel secure. Our house has 78 windows. It’s almost like living in a fishbowl! =:-0

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