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NASA » Jolana Malkston
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A Tale of Two Space Centers, Part II #NASA #USSpace&RocketCenter #SpaceProgram #MarshallSpaceFlightCenter #RedstoneArsenal

 Serious Whimsy  Comments Off on A Tale of Two Space Centers, Part II #NASA #USSpace&RocketCenter #SpaceProgram #MarshallSpaceFlightCenter #RedstoneArsenal
Mar 142018

Each time we return home from visiting my Baby Sis in Florida, we drive by the Huntsville, Alabama, exit on I-65 and talk about visiting the Rocket City’s US Space and Rocket Center (USSRC), the home of Space Camp. We figured it had to be an exciting place. Maybe we’ll visit it someday. When we’re not in a rush to get home, which we always were.

This year, February 15th became someday.

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A Tale of Two Space Centers, Part I #NASA #KennedySpaceCenter #SpaceProgram

 Serious Whimsy  Comments Off on A Tale of Two Space Centers, Part I #NASA #KennedySpaceCenter #SpaceProgram
Mar 072018

I suppose it was inevitable that I would become a NASA buff. I’ve been a science fiction fan since I checked Robert A. Heinlein’s Red Planet out of the library to read for a fourth grade book report. [It was a science fiction juvenile novel actually written for boys, but why couldn’t a girl read it? Aren’t we all taught to share?]

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